Reporting (Pulse)
Prep Reporting Beta Walk Through
The Prep Reporting Dashboard is designed to give you comprehensive reporting on everything your learners are doing in the Prep application of the...
Is there a grade book view in Reporting?
We are delighted to say, yes! There is now a grade book view in your Reporting dashboard. This view will give you a detailed look of how your stu...
Learn Reporting Dashboard Walkthrough - Admin
The Learn Reporting dashboard is our new, reimagined Pulse reporting for administrators. In the Learn Reporting dashboard you will find reporting...
Pulse Reporting Application Walkthrough - Admin
Our Pulse Reporting Dashboard is designed to give you comprehensive reporting on everything your learners are doing in the Clover Learning Platfo...
As an administrator, how do I view scores from an assignment I have created?
This article is intended for administrators of institutions who want to view the reporting of an assignment created in the Prep application of th...