How do I switch from one group (cohort) to another?

  • Updated

Switching from one group to another is a simple process. The video below will walk you through how to perform this action within your account.

Please follow the steps below to switch groups:

  1. On your account home screen, click on "Manage Data Access" under the Quick Links section.
  2. Remove yourself from the current group by clicking on the red "x" on the far right side of each course.
  3. Next, select each course and scroll to the bottom of the page.
  4. Enter your group code in the group code field. (Group codes should be distributed by an administrator.)
  5. Click "Grant Access."

We're here to help if you have any questions or concerns about changing your group. Please feel free to contact us at and we'll be happy to assist you.


Here is a related article you may find helpful:

Group Codes Overview

How to Redeem an Access Code for New and Existing Users

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