Access/Group Codes
How to Redeem an Access Code (for New and Existing Users)
This article is your go-to guide for redeeming an access code on the Clover Learning platform, whether you're a new or existing user. With clear...
How do I apply a group code?
A group code is used to connect your active account to the correct group for assignment and reporting purposes. You will need to complete this s...
When does my access expire?
As a user who has access through their school or institution, you can find the date your access expires from within the account. To create your a...
How do I switch from one group (cohort) to another?
Switching from one group to another is a simple process. The video below will walk you through how to perform this action within your account. P...
I already have a plan with Clover Learning, but I am being offered an access code through my work/school. Can I have a refund for the remaining access I purchased?
Of course! We would never want you to have to pay double for access! If you received an access code, Clover Learning will provide a prorated refu...