• Updated
Thank you for being a valued customer of ours! We hate to see you go! 

Canceling before the renewal date will only stop the auto-renewal process. If you cancel before the renewal date, you can still access platform content until your original subscription period ends. For instance, if you purchased an annual subscription on January 1 and cancel it on January 10, you'll still have access to platform content until December 31 of that year. Your subscription will expire on December 31, and content won't be available until you purchase a new subscription.


Note: It is the responsibility of all users to monitor their own subscriptions and renewal dates. An email reminder will be sent to the email address you have entered in your profile. We are happy to provide guidance on how to cancel a subscription at any time.

Below you will find steps for accessing and canceling an active subscription.
  1. Access your account at www.cloverlearning.com
  2. Click on your avatar or initials at the top right of the platform pagess1.jpg
  3. Select "Billing" from the drop-down menuimage_7.jpeg
  4. Select the "Cancel Subscription"Screen_Shot_2023-05-11_at_9.59_1.png
  5. Then select the blue "Cancel Plan" button


For additional support to cancel a subscription, please contact support@cloverlearning.com.

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