We offer a variety of continuing education (CE) courses to help technologists fulfill their CE requirements. All of our CE content has been carefully reviewed and approved by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) for the advertised amount of credits.
Since the ASRT is a Recognized Continuing Education Evaluation Mechanism (RCEEM), the ARRT allows all accredited technologists (regardless of their modality) to earn CE through our content.
We currently offer continuing education (CE) in the following disciplines (modalities):
Cardiac Interventional Radiography (CI)
Computed Tomography (CT)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MR)
Nuclear Medicine Technology (N)
Radiation Therapy (T)
Radiography (R)
Registered Radiologist Assistant (RA)
Sonography (S)
Vascular Interventional Radiography (VI)
Vascular Sonography (VS)
Proton Therapy (PTH)**
Coming Soon!!
Mammography (M)
**ARRT Recognized but not as a discipline
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